segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

Cadeira Diferente

It is an example of a complicated 3D surface out of simple geometrical shapes. The wooden round cross-section bars have different length and thru the accurate calculation of angles of incidence it forms a sleek and friendly surface in places of human contact. On the other hand it is a deep forest. Some of the trunks serve as a support, but on the whole you observe a nice chaos.

The construction is simple to make and reliable in exploitation. It is a very comfortable sound chair for a rest beside the fireplace or on the terrace.

Soft pillows and organic sheepskin will fit nicely with the chair.


Model: it’s more than a chair
Design: Vadim Kibardin 2007

Material: wood
Color: transparent lacquer, black japan, cherry
Dimensions: 1100mm x 850mm x 910mm
Manufacturing: Czech Republic

Status: produced on a by-order basis


The Deep Forest Lounge Chair was demonstrated for the first time in 2007 as part of the Design Act exhibition in Moscow.

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